The Nirvana Golden Harvest Reward is a limited reward for selected loyal customers & selected purchases

In conjunction with Nirvana Asia's 30th Anniversary Celebration, Nirvana Asia is presenting selected loyal customers and selected purchases with Golden Harvest Rewards: an exclusive reward to enjoy potential returns for a total of 30 years - TOTALLY FREE!  

Nirvana Golden Harvest Reward | GHR | 榴莲 |  富贵果王丰收奖励 |

The Nirvana Golden Harvest Reward (GHR) is not for sale and is given to customers who fulfil set criteria for free.  The ways to qualify for the Golden Harvest Reward (GHR): Purchase selected Nirvana products

Benefits of Golden Harvest Reward

  • 100% risk-free - you are not paying for GHR
  • Reward period over 30 years
  • Estimated bonus is 400% of the original product value
For detailed information getting this exclusive reward, give me a call and I'll share with you the types of products you can purchase to reap a return of up to 400%, totally-risk-free.